Euro Caps

Euro Caps & Sustainability

Euro Caps & Sustainability


A sharp look ahead

In everything we do, we take measurable steps every day towards a more sustainable approach. For example, by producing in a factory with the most efficient equipment and installations that run on certified hydropower energy. We make our aluminum capsules from at least 35% recycled aluminum. We make new foil from the remnants of our foils. In the case of plastic capsules, we have significantly reduced the material over the past five years. In addition, we participate in various local and international initiatives that promote sustainability and compensate or reduce CO2 emissions. With this we now support six of the goals of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Read more below.



We like to participate in local CSR initiatives. For example that of Rotterzwam, who reuse coffee grounds for the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. In 2020 they collected almost 35 tons of coffee grounds, more than 2000 kg came from Euro Caps and this year we are going well over that. Did you know that this saved a total of almost 12,000 kg of CO2?


Agroforestry Coffee Project

We have been working with WWF since 2018. Apuí, a place read in the Brazilian Amazon, is located in the middle of the deforestation front: this habitat of thousands of plants and animals and indigenous communities is in danger of being lost. In collaboration with WWF, local organization Idesam and local farmers, we are working on introducing and expanding agroforestry products: native trees are combined with commercially interesting species and coffee, improving income, creating an interesting sustainable coffee product and, moreover, no new forest. need to be cut more. The animation video below gives a good impression of this project:

Green power

Since 2019, our two production locations have completely switched to green energy. This means that we compensate our CO2 emissions in the field of electricity! A nice step.

We love cycling

Since we have two locations in the Spanish Polder in Rotterdam, you can quickly move from one location to another by bike. Of course in style, on an orange Euro Caps bike. Good for the environment.

We also support the following charities and/or initiatives:

Heilige Boontjes
Hare leerschool
De 100 van Sander
Vrienden van het Sophia – founder KinderHersenCentrum
Sparta Rotterdam

The full CSR policy can be read here